Senin, 02 Februari 2015

How To Install Linux-dash Web Based Monitoring System In RHEL/CentOS

Linux-dash is a web-based lightweight monitoring dashboard for Linux machines. This application will display real-time, various system properties, such as CPU load, RAM usage, disk usage, Internet speed, network connections, RX/TX bandwidth, logged-in users, running processes etc. It will not store long term statistics, Thus it doesn’t have a backend database.

In this article i will show you how to install and setup Linux dash, Here my web server is Nginx.


First of all we should enable, EPEL repository.

Next, we need to install nginx with the following command.

yum install nginx

Install php-fpm component

yum install git php-common php-fpm

Now, we have to configure nginx for Linux-dash. So create /etc/nginx/conf.d/linuxdash.conf as follows.

nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/linuxdash.conf

server {
 server_name $domain_name;
 listen 8080;
 root /var/www;
 index index.html index.php;
 access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
 error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

 location ~* \.(?:xml|ogg|mp3|mp4|ogv|svg|svgz|eot|otf|woff|ttf|css|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico)$ {
 try_files $uri =404;
 expires max;
 access_log off;
 add_header Pragma public;
 add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";

 location /linux-dash {
 index index.html index.php;

 # PHP-FPM via sockets
 location ~ \.php(/|$) {
 fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
 fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
 fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock;
 if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {
 return 404;
 try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
 include fastcgi_params;

Next job is to configure php-fpm. Open  /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf in your Favorite editor.

nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

Make sure to set “listen”, “user” and “group” fields as below. You can leave the rest of the configuration unchanged.

. . .
listen = /var/run/php-fpm.sock
user = nginx
group = nginx
. . .

Now, We are going to Download and install linux-dash under /var/www

git clone
cp -r linux-dash/ /var/www/
chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www

Next, restart Nginx web server as well as php-fpm

/etc/init.d/nginx restart
/etc/init.d/php-fpm restart

Set nginx and php-fpm to auto-start upon boot

chkconfig nginx on
chkconfig php-fpm on

In this example, we have configured linux-dash to use TCP port 8080. So make sure that the firewall is not blocking TCP port 8080.

Monitor a Linux server with linux-dash

You can access Linux-dash by pointing you browser to

The web dashboard consists of several widgets, each of which displays particular system properties. You can customize the look of the web dashboard by rearranging and/or closing some of the widgets.

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

How To Install Openfire On Linux CentOS 7

Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It is also known as Jabber. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP. The full name of XMPP is Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. It is a real-time communication protocol (which includes chat) based on XML. Installation and the management of Openfire is pretty simple.

How to boot ISO image ubuntu from your hard drive

This guide will show how to boot an ISO image file that stored in your hard drive. Booting an ISO on your hard drive is useful for testing new versions of Linux ISO file without using up a CD/DVD or USB Stick. On this case I will boot Ubuntu 13.04 iso directly from hard disk via the Grub2 boot menu. Create a directory named iso in your root folder using this command:
# sudo mkdir /isoimage

Now copy ubuntu 13.04 iso file (ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso) to directory /isoimage :
# sudo cp -v ~/ISOFILE/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso /isoimage

Edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg file with following command:
# sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom

add these lines to Custom GRUB Configuration file (/etc/grub.d/40_custom):
menuentry "Ubuntu 13.04 Live" {
 set root=(hd0,1)
 loopback loop /isoimage/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso
 linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/isoimage/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso noprompt noeject
 initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz

Save your file and exit with press button CTRL + X.
After this enter command:
# sudo update-grub

Then reboot ubuntu and hold down the Shift key to bring up the Grub boot menu. Select Ubuntu 13.04 Live to boot ubuntu 13.04 iso image from hard drive

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

How-to-Install Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.20 on Ubuntu 14.04/14.10

Oracle VM VirtualBox is a software virtualization package for AMD64/Intel64-based and x86 computers from Oracle Corporation.
VirtualBox runs on Linux,Windows,Solaris and Macintosh hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4, 2.6 and 3.x),Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8),OpenSolaris and Solaris,OpenBSD and OS/2.
In this article show you how to install Oracle VirtualBox on your Ubuntu 14.04/14.10.

Add VirtualBox repository

First,edit /etc/apt/sources.list which typing The following command:
tri@linux:~$sudo nano /etc/apt/source.list

and add one of following line ccording to your distribution to your system:
For Ubuntu 14.10 ("Utopic Unicorn")
deb utopic contrib

For Ubuntu 14.04 ("Trusty Tahr")
deb trusty contrib

Add Oracle public key

After adding required apt repository in your system, download and import the Oracle public key for apt-secure using following commands.
tri@linux:~$sudo apt-key add oracle_vbox.asc

Install VirtualBox

Now, install VirtualBox:
tri@linux:~$sudo apt-get update
tri@linux:~$sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3 -y

how to Install Bash Autocomplete feature on CentOS/Fedora Linux

In this article I will show how to easy install Bash Autocomplete feature on Fedora Linux or CentOS/RHEL.
You need to use YUM command to install bash-completion package on your Fedora Linux or CentOS/RHEL.
Type following command to install bash-completion package:
# yum install bash-completion -y

Example output:
# yum install bash-completion -y
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * rpmforge:
 * updates:
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bash-completion.noarch 0:20060301-1.el6.rf will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                Arch          Version                    Repository       Size
 bash-completion        noarch        20060301-1.el6.rf          rpmforge        125 k

Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)

Total download size: 125 k
Installed size: 470 k
Downloading Packages:
bash-completion-20060301-1.el6.rf.noarch.rpm                    | 125 kB     00:00
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing : bash-completion-20060301-1.el6.rf.noarch                            1/1
  Verifying  : bash-completion-20060301-1.el6.rf.noarch                            1/1

  bash-completion.noarch 0:20060301-1.el6.rf


To use feature auto competition, your need to press TAB key (Example: yum install ht [tab][tab]):

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

How to easy Install TeamViewer 10 on Debian/Ubuntu based Linux systems

TeamViewer is a proprietary computer package software for remote control,web conferencing,file transfer between computers, desktop sharing and  online meetings.
Versions are available for the Microsoft Linux,Mac OS X,Windows,BlackBerry,Windows Phone 8, Windows RT,Android and iOS operating systems.It is also possible to access a machine running TeamViewer with a web browser.While the main focus of the application is remote control of computers, presentation and collaboration features are included.In this article we will teach you how to install TeamViewer 10 on Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distributions.

What's new in TeamViewer 10

Optimization of performance: CPU Usage, HD quality voice transmission, faster login.
Centralized arrangements may: All settings may be through a centralized management console.
Teachers whitelist: To allow only authorized users reduce administrative overhead.
History conversations and group chats
Improved quality images and video with one-click video calling
Now you can put your display picture could easily be identified in the list of friends.
Real-time record of the session: To record something important when the session is in progress.
Idle session time limit: You do not have to worry about idle session because they will
automatic closed after the deadline.
File sharing is easy: Integrated with Google Drive and Dropbox.
Chalkboard: To create a more efficient knowledge transfer.

Install TeamViewer 10

Install TeamViewer 10 on Debian/Ubuntu systems 32 Bit:
tri@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install gdebi -y
tri@linux:~$ sudo gdebi teamviewer_linux.deb

Install TeamViewer 10 on Debian/Ubuntu systems 64 Bit:
tri@linux:~$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
tri@linux:~$ sudo apt-get update
tri@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install gdebi -y
tri@linux:~$ sudo gdebi teamviewer_linux.deb

How to easy Installation Control Panel (CP) Ajenti On server Ubuntu

Ajenti is a server administration panel for FreeBSD distributions and Linux . It is similar to cPanel, ISPConfig and others like them, but more light in features it is a Free Software application whose development is spear-headed by Eugene Pankov.
Besides being a server administration panelAjenti may also be used by developers as a rapid-development platform to create Web frontends, and by hardware vendors to create Web interfaces.
Install Ajenti

Add repository key:
tri@linux:~$sudo wget -O- | apt-key add -

Add repository to /etc/apt/sources.list
tri@linux:~$sudo echo "deb main main ubuntu">>/etc/apt/sources.list

Install the package:
tri@linux:~$sudo apt-get update
tri@linux:~$sudo apt-get install ajenti

Start the service:
tri@linux:~$sudo /etc/init.d/ajenti restart

Remote access to the server is via Username is root and the password is admin.

ajenti login screen
Ajenti configuration

nterface for adding a cron job