Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

How to easy Installation ZPanel in Centos 6.4

In this article I will tell you about one interesting free control panel which is Zpanel and I will show you how to install it on a Dedicated/VPS server with Centos 6.4.

zPanel is a php-based free control panel ( free alternative to CPanel) for windows, mac, and linux servers. The program run on top of an Apache, MySQL, PHP stack on which platform is used.

Install zPanel

Log in to your server via SSH (use Putty or Terminal) as root.
First install pre-required packages:
tri@linux#yum install wget ld-linux.so.2 curl -y

Download zPanel installer:
64 bit installer
tri@linux#wget http://www.zvps.co.uk/downloads/centos/10-1-0/installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x.tar.gz

32 bit installer
tri@linux#wget http://www.zvps.co.uk/downloads/centos/10-1-0/installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x.tar.gz

Unzip installer:
64 Bit Installer
tri@linux#tar -xvzf installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x.tar.gz

32 Bit Installer
tri@linux#tar -xvzf installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x.tar.gz

Change the script to be executable:
64 Bit Installer
tri@linux## chmod +x installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x

32 Bit Installer
tri@linux# chmod 777 installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x

Run the ZPanelX installer:
64 Bit Installer
tri@linux# ./installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x

32 Bit Installer
tri@linux# ./installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x

Follow the  images instructions below for installation
Zpanel installation

End zPanel installation
The zadmin, MySQL root & postfix passwords are all stored in /root/passwords.txt after installation.
Zpanel login screen

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